Yep, I said it, I am not a duathlon fan. The whole concept of run/bike/run just seems wrong to me. Could be that running is so not my talent. But, alas, last Friday I felt the draw of an awesome workout and hanging out with friends and decided to attempt this duathlon thing. Worst part is that I kept thinking that it was going to be a piece of cake since there was no out of water transition involved and much less gear. Um, I forgot about the fact that I was still going to have to run and ride my bike and then, oh, run again.
The morning started out great. I was very wise and decided to load my bike and gear up the night before and had so much less to worry about in the morning. I am definitely going to do that again for my next tri. I had to drive about 45 minutes to the race location and tried to get there a few minutes early since I wasn't even registered yet. Luckily it was a very low-key, small event so registering and transition set up and such was very easy. I was still snacking on an apple and banana as I wandered around with friends. A kid's race started at 8:00 am and it was the cutest thing ever. Watching kids on tricycles race made my whole day. I can't wait to be able to get my kids out there. Then, finally, after numerous potty breaks we were ready to run at 8:30.
Figures it would be unseasonable warm on this particular day. Unseasonable warm in spring in Southern Arizona = hot. The race distances were 2 mile run/15.5 mile bike/ 2 mile run. The first 2 miles were uneventful, the coure seemed long and I could not settle into my pace. A friend ran up behind and told me that, according to her Garmin, we were running 2.5 miles. Say what?? Back to transition, chugged water (did I mention it was hot?) and then off on the bike.
My legs were so happy to be spinning. Yep, it was ecstacy until I got the on the actual road and found the wind. Say what?? Rode right into a headwind for about the first 7 miles, turned away from the wind and onto a crappy bumpy narrow road. I could not get my legs under me, I felt like I was the last person on the road and could not find a decent pace. Finally got to some nicer road with a substantial shoulder and my knee started talking to me. I have a bad knee. Back in 2001 I was training for a marathon and on a training run managed to tear the mensicus in my right knee. I didn't think much of it, I think it happened on Tuesday, and I tried to push the pain/irritation away since I was scheduled to run a half marathon that very Saturday. I ran the half marathon on a torn mensicus. After about the fourth mile my knee had just gone numb from pain and I didn't feel it again until the moment I stopped running. Two years and two surgeries later, my orthopedist said I would never run again. Nope, I am not a runner.
So, back to the du. My knee has been giving me signals that is unhappy with my attempt to increase my running speed. It had never bothered me on the bike until this duathlon. It wasn't exactly painful but more like unresponsive. I felt like I was working harder then my knee was allowing me to push. I overcompensated and my upper quad started yelling at me to. I was done and ready to stop. I couldn't stop though, the only friend I could think of coming to get me was well ahead of me and probably wouldn't be checking her phone anytime soon. My dear husband was at least an hours drive away and taking care of my kids. I kept going. My mind drifted off to the chant, "there is no glory without pain." Sounds a little sadistic in hindsight. I turned the last two corners and the end of my pain/frustration/ordeal was in sight. My legs would not turn over and I could not find any speed to finish the ride.
I wobbled off the bike and doubled over grabbing my upper quad. Oh wait, I still have to run two mile. Shit. If not for peer pressure I would have loaded up my car right then and there and driven home but I knew my friends would be waiting for me. I grabbed a bottle of lukewarm water and set off on my run. Did I mention it was hot? It was only about 10 am at this point and the air temp had to be at least 90 degrees. It was miserable. I think I ran about the first quarter mile before I started doing this pathetic run/walk routine. I managed to cross the finish line in 1:58 with 2:00 being my goal so my time wasn't as bad as it could have been but I felt broken. Self-doubt and a little self-loathing snuck up on me. Of course that means I made a beeline for the food at the finish. I promptly downed a slice of Hawaiian pizza and a cupcake. I promptly felt sick to my stomach. As I made my way to my car to load up my bike I didn't even bother to say any goodbyes. I was done and exhausted and probably even a little delusional.
I cried a good portion of the way home but felt better once I was made it to my house. Where do I go from here? I refocus. I am determined to increase my run speed and have started doing weekly track workout and plan to sign up for as many road races as I can in these cooler months. I am also trying to settle back into my low sugar diet. My ultimate goal would include losing about 15lbs before my May 22nd triathlon. I must be disciplined though and that is so hard for me. Will I attempt a duathlon again? Of course! I can't let the damn thing beat me down.
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. ~Edmund Hillary