Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rear View Mirror

This is a picture taken yesterday at a really fun training event.  This picture makes me sad.  I thought I had gotten myself to a better place.  I thought I was looking more physically fit.  It is times like this when the reality of a subjective mirror puts things into perspective.

I am just not happy that I look like that.  I think of how much better can I feel emotionally and physically if I could just get my act together.  If I could train more seriously and eat more sensibly.  It is my issue.

I haven't helped matters much this holiday weekend.  Between eating out and stuffing my face with family (at least two too many glasses of margarita) I have set my self up  to need to work even harder.

I need to change up my workouts and focus a more on strength training and flexibility.  Maybe that type of work and getting back on track with food will be a winning combination to drop a few more pounds.

The irony of this picture is that Jen, my friend in the picture, had just told me how great I looked.  Why don't I  see it??

“Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.” ― Eliza Tabor Stephenson


  1. Hi Stacie! I'd be happy to help if you are looking for a little external motivation :) You would look pretty awesome in a Desert Endurance jersey!

    Jennifer Lynn
    USAT Certified Coach

    1. Thanks Jen,

      You offer is very tempting. I wish I was in a position to afford coaching right now but that isn't my reality. I hope to take on a half ironman next season and will probably be in the market for a coach when I get that ball in motion.

